1. lawmaker:制定法律的人;立法者;議員;立法委員
【lawmaker】這個字是【制定法律的人】的意思,它是由【law(法律)】+【maker(製作者)】複合而成的複合字。從字面上的意思,非常容易理解【lawmaker】的工作就是在【make laws】,也就是【立法者】之意,即一般所謂的【議會議員】、【國會議員】或【立法委員】等身份的人。【lawmaker】是比較通俗的字眼,如果要使用較為正式且有深度一點的字眼,可以使用【legislator】這個字。
The financial disclosures of lawmakers are all published on the Internet now.
The financial disclosures of lawmakers are all published on the Internet now, so that everyone can read them online.
【聯想字】lawmaker, peace maker, trouble maker
2. release:放開;放掉;放走;施放;釋放;釋出;鬆開;免除;赦免;發行;發表
【release】這個字就是【let go(放走)】的意思,即人或東西原本受到捆綁、束縛、或限制而失去自由,而【release】這個動作則是將原本加諸於人或東西之上的這些捆綁、束縛、或限制給拿掉,還其自由,也就是所謂的【放手】、【放開】、【放掉】等意思。【release】再進一步引申則有【發行】、【發表】等意思,比如發行新唱片、新電影、發表新作品、新書,或發行新產品等等。
A new game for Mac computers will be released in February.
A new game for Mac computers will be released in February right before the next version of OS X operating system hit the market.
【就在下一版OS X作業系統上市前,一款麥金塔電腦上的新遊戲將在二月份發行。】
【聯想字】release, relapse, rehearse, reimburse, rehouse rephrase
3. tear:眼淚;淚水;淚珠;淚滴
【tear】這個字在這裡是指【the water comes out of eyes】的意思,即【從眼睛裡出來的水】,也就是【淚水】、【眼淚】。【tear】這個字,還有另外一個動詞的意思,即【撕】、【扯】、【撕破】、【扯裂】等意思,不過作此意時其發音與作【淚水】時完全不同,請大家要特別注意囉!
The girls in the class were all in tears.
(in tears:哭泣)
The girls in the class were all in tears when they learned that their favorite teacher was leaving them forever.
【聯想字】tear, bear, beer, dear, deer, fear, gear, mere, near, pear, rear, sear, wear, year
4. gas:瓦斯;天然氣;煤氣;油氣;汽油
【gas】這個字是【沼氣】、【天然氣】、【煤氣】等的意思;另外,在美式英文中,【gas】也是【gasoline】的簡稱,也就是【汽油】的意思。而【gas】在此處乃是一種武器的形式,譬如【tear gas(催淚瓦斯)】、【nerve gas(神經毒氣)】、【poison gas(毒氣)】等。
We have no idea how much oil and natural gas are left on earth.
We have no idea how much oil and natural gas are left on earth, so people should do something and save them for our future generations.
【聯想字】gas, guess, guest, guts, goose
5. block:(詳見第23期)
The new hotel across the street blocks the beautiful view of the lake and the mountain.
The new hotel across the street blocks the beautiful view of the lake and the mountain, and almost takes half of the business away from the old one.
【聯想字】block, flock, clock
6. arms:武器
Our country spent too much money on arms in the past few years.
Our country spent too much money on arms in the past few years, which once raised a debate at the parliament.
【聯想字】arms, arm, alarm
7. purchase:(詳見第75期)
I worked as an intern in the Purchase Division for three months.
(intern:實習者身份;見習者身份)(Purchase Division:採購部門)
I had worked as an intern in the Purchase Division for nine months before I became a full-timer in that company.
【聯想字】purchase, purse, pursue, pursuit, purpose
1. tear > ... > 10. gas
1. tear
2. run
3. nod
4. date
5. evil
6. long
7. good
8. door
9. ring
10. gas
1. tear
2. roster
3. rampage
4. endeavor
5. repertoire
6. etymology
7. yearn
8. nugget
9. thong
10. gas
1. tear
2. ____________________
3. ____________________
4. ____________________
5. ____________________
6. ____________________
7. ____________________
8. ____________________
9. ____________________
10. gas